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Heiner Family Research

We have had lots of success in finding more about our Heiner and Dietzel relatives who lived in what was once the Sachsen-Meiningen area of Thüringen, Germany, but there is still lots of work to be done making sure our records are complete and accurate. Our immediate goal is to find out what happened to the children of Martin and Adelgunda's siblings and half-siblings, then obtain copies of the parish register entries for our family in Germany. Copies of the German parish register documents with the transcription and translation will eventually be loaded to the specific person on FamilySearch's Family Tree. Please be patient and check back periodically to see if the record has been added.  


Family members, click here for access to the research reports.


If you can read German script or know someone willing to help and donate their time to translate and / or index the parish records, please let us know. We would love the help.



If you have questions, please contact Dana Palmer, CG at 

Research To Do

Christine Marie Heiner Dittmar

Find the ship passenger list for Anna Eva Dittmar and Johannes John" Herbst


Find the marriage record for Anna Eva Dittmar and Johannes John" Herbst

Eva Margarethe "Marie"

Heiner Petzsch

Determine where Gustav Constantine "Charles" Petzsch her husband was buried. He died 9 Jan 1897 in Piqua, Ohio.


Determine when Paulina Petzsch died and where she is buried

Johann Heinrich Hopf

Check the church record books in Wasungen to find burial dates for Caroline Wilhelmine Hopf Hörchner, Johann Michael Hopf, Ernst August Hopf, and Georg Martin Hopf who all died in Wasungen.  

Katherine Elisabeth Heiner Reif

Find the death record for Johannes Reif who died between 1857 and 1909. 

Henrietta Elenore Dietzel Kirchner

Find death record for Adelgunde Kirchner Kettner and her husband in Leipzig.


Obtain a copy of the church burial records for Johann Friedrich Kirchner and Georg Adolph Kirchner and their wives from the parish church in Dresden. 


Determine what happened to Nicolaus Kirchner. When and where he died?

Heinrich Heiner


Burial location for Johann Georg "George" Heiner who died 19 January 1909 in Manhattan, NY


Find Dorothea Maria Heiner Schmidt's death record (she died between 1871 and 1907)


Find out what happened to Marie Sybille Heiner



Determine if Caspar Heiner was married before his marriage to Emma Marie Berndt Kroll in 1896.


Get a copy of Eduard Heiner's death record in Meiningen in Sept 1880.

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