2012 Heiner Family Reunion

2012 Heiner Reunion Video
Stuart Wolthuis (Carolyn - Moroni - Sylvester - Daniel) has completed his video of the 14 July 2012 Reunion. Thanks to Stuart for all the work he put in to edit and prepare this video. It is well done and you'll want to share it with your families.
Heiner Family Home Evening Booklet
Christine Deppe (Roberta - Wahnetah - John - Daniel), the chairperson of the 2012 Reunion, compiled and published a Family Home Evening Manual about Martin and Adelgunda Heiner, their life in Germany, their journey to America and finally to Morgan, Utah where where they eventually settled. It features pictures, maps and stories on a children's level for family history enrichment. The initial printing of the booklet quickly sold out at the 2012 reunion, and we've received many requests for more copies. Rather than print new copies, we've decided to post the booklet on the www.MartinHeinerFamily.org website so people can freely download and print as many copies as they desire. We are working on getting that booklet posted on the site.
Wasungen Historical Journal
As you may know, the recent burst of excitement about the the Martin Heiner Family all began from a 2011 museum exhibit in the town of Wasungen, Germany where Martin and Adelgunda Heiner are from. The exhibit, entitled "Wasungen Emigrants Overseas" described the period of emigration from Germany in the mid 1800's. It also focused on the Martin Heiner Family who emigrated to America in 1845.
In 2013, the Wasungen Historical Association published the latest edition of their annual historical journal which focused on the museum exhibit and the story of the Martin Heiner Family after emigrating to America. The magazine was originally published in German, but the response from the Heiner family was so big that they decided to publish a second edition in English. I understand 300 German copies were printed, but we ordered 600 copies in English! The 20-page magazine includes color photos and has been very well received.
We still have copies of the Wasungen Historical Journal available. If you are interested, please send $6 for each copy desired to:
Martin Heiner Family Organization
c/o Kimberly Farmer
184 "I" St. Apt 9
Salt Lake City, UT 84103-5514
Comprehensive History of the Heiner Family
Dana Palmer (Lee - Bryant - Fannie - Daniel), a certified genealogist, is compiling a comprehensive book on the Heiner family. This book will be about over 800 pages including color and will cover 4 generations from Martin's and Adelgunda's parents down to their grandchildren. While Dana already has a great deal of information on Martin's and Adelgunda's children, she requests photos and stories of their grandchildren. Please contact her at:
Dana Palmer 513-934-0840